The cry of our hearts

Danny and Betsy are starting this blog in order to track the ways that God is moving and teaching us about the spiritual needs of Italy and a call to ministry there. Join with us in learning and praying for the Italian people and the people ministering to them already!

10 June 2009

A first sketch: what might this look like?

God has been inspiring me with a vision for ministry in Italy, especially as someone to reach out and encourage churches already present there. This is an aspect of my job at Home Missions I'm learning to embrace-- I really want to go out of my way to let these church planters I come in contact with know that I'm on their side, and that I am so excited for their ministry and for who they are. Church planting is complicated, difficult, emotionally trying, frustrating, exciting, and more... and the more I learn about the process the more I respect church planters deeply. 

But before planting a church ourselves, I envision the first year spent traveling around, meeting with church leaders and community leaders, listening to their stories and to their heartbreak, asking what needs to be done, encouraging them and praying with them. 

My work as an intern, seeing first-hand how church planting can be most effective, has taught me that developing a network of relationships that build up a center core is among the first tasks. A church plant cannot stand on its own. It needs prayer and financial partners from both the immediate community and from around the world. 

A church does not need to "manufacture" a community within its own doors-- right outside those doors is a community already present; often in need of revitalization, yes, but the culture and people's interests and natural rhythm to life already offers the rich, fertile soil in which to plant. Being audaciously involved, being a loving, active, but not aggressive, presence in the community can allow people to get to know you and learn to trust you. 

This is especially important in a nation where people are disillusioned by who Jesus is and disappointed with what Christianity has become. You can preach the Good News of the Gospel while still remaining relevant, appropriately adapting to the culture and needs around you (for instance, people need to hear about grace all the time, but maybe one particular community needs to hear more about God's faithfulness, too, in times of trials, or maybe they need to be challenged in service to others). It seems to me that people have a hard time getting from Point A to Point B: Okay, that's what the Bible says, but explain to me why that matters in my life, today, at this very moment! 

This is especially powerful to me as I think about the ways that I still need change. I have been a follower of Christ my entire life-- I publicly professed my faith at 9 years old-- and yet I think about the temptations I face, the shortcomings I have, and the struggle to be pure... it's tough. I can only imagine how intimidated people must feel when they confront what Christianity seems to require or represent, and why they often walk away sadly, knowing they'll never make it. It's those people who haven't heard about Grace or who haven't truly experienced Grace in their lives. Those are the people I love, and who I desperately long to reach out to and embrace. That's what I know a church plant is born to do-- love authentically, as Christ has loved us, and has given His life for us. 

Pray for clarity of the vision God is revealing to me/us about ministry in Italy. 

Betsy Joy

PS. I had an amazing phone conversation with Todd Murphy, a church planter in Providence, Rhode Island, for another story I'm writing. More later! :) 

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