The cry of our hearts

Danny and Betsy are starting this blog in order to track the ways that God is moving and teaching us about the spiritual needs of Italy and a call to ministry there. Join with us in learning and praying for the Italian people and the people ministering to them already!

07 June 2009

First Initiatives

Hello, Blog-World. 

I'm starting this blog as the beginning of a vision: a vision for missions in Italy. The Spirit of God is moving, and He has put Italy on my heart. I recall clearly the emptiness palpable in Europe, I remember my immediate love for Italy in the week that I visited, and I am passionate about ministry--especially in church planting. 

God has also brought about people and instances in my life where suddenly living and serving in Italy has become a very real possibility and call. I decided to begin a blog that I hope will serve as a place for me to dream, record what I find out about Italy and the (spiritual) needs that the country has, and someday be a place where readers can come and hear about what God has been doing in our ministry there. It's a leap of faith, but God has given me a skill as a visionary, and this is my first initiative with this dream. 

So here is my first link with information about missions in Italy. Read more by clicking the link, but here are a few heart-breaking basics...

- "While most Italians consider themselves Roman Catholic, less than 10 percent attend mass even once a month. Their "religion" is more tradition and convenience than a life-changing personal choice."
    - "While there seems to be an openness to other religious faiths, evangelicals make up less than 1% of the population. Of the more than 35,000 cities, towns, and villages, less than 1,500 have an evangelical church."
      - "There is only one trained pastor for every 350,000 people." 

      This site has a bit about Italy, too, and about one of the organizations that is serving there (Campus Crusade International).

      These videos do a great job of telling the story behind what God is doing in Italy already. 

      This couple, whose names are Justin and Abbey, are serving as missionaries in Italy now. 

      Katie Williams is a friend of mine who is serving there for a year this coming fall. 

      This has been a kind of theme song for my love and passion for Europe and my deep desire to do ministry there. 

      You Said

      You said, Ask and you will receive
      Whatever you need
      You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven
      And I'll heal your land

      You said Your glory will fill the earth
      Like water the sea
      You said, Lift up your eyes
      The harvest is here, the kingdom is near

      You said, Ask and I'll give the nations to you
      O Lord, that's the cry of my heart
      Distant shores and the islands will see
      Your light, as it rises on us

      Trevi Fountain


      Please join with me in praying for Italy, for the missionaries there, as well as for God's direction in my own life as I consider His call. 

      Trusting Him,
      Betsy Joy

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